Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that can develop after a traumatic event and is often associated with people who have been to war.

Most people have many reactions after a traumatic event in their life and these can come in the form of feeling frightened or stressed or even having flashbacks. However, for people suffering with PTSD, these reactions do not stop and can begin to affect their everyday lives.

Symptoms of PTSD

The symptoms of PTSD can appear directly after the event, a month or so after the event or in some cases be delayed by years.

People’s symptoms are often different, some experiencing long periods of minor symptoms and others having constant severe symptoms.


The most common symptom of PTSD is re-experiencing. This is when the person re-lives the triggering event in the form of vivid flashbacks, nightmares, and physical sensations such as sweating or pain.

Another symptom is avoidance, where the individual tries to avoid any reminders of the trauma. This could mean avoiding certain places or people that remind them of the event.

Hyperarousal can also be a symptom where the person has increased feelings of anxiety and a difficulty to relax. This can lead to irritability, sleeping problems, anger and difficulty concentrating.

Dealing with PTSD can be a very lonely time unless you have the right knowledge and support.

Recent research has shown that PTSD is thought to affect 1 in 3 people who have a traumatic experience.

Examples of causes of PTSD

The types of events that can lead to PTSD are:

  • Military combat
  • Violent assault
  • Serious road accidents
  • Prolonged abuse
  • Witnessing unexpected injury or death of a loved one

Children can also be affected by PTSD and some of their common symptoms can include bedwetting, separation anxiety or increased worry.

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Treating PTSD

Over the years I have treated a number of clients suffering PTSD using hypnotherapy and BWRT® therapy.  These techniques are very effective with helping the individual cope with the trauma and learn how to regain a sense of control in their life. They will promote positive change and the therapy used will be tailored to your symptoms.

Get in touch today to find out how I can help your PTSD through hypnotherapy and BWRT® therapy.

Contact Lizzie

Arrange a call with me and we can discuss further.