Menopause is a transition that women go through. There are 3 stages:
- Perimenopause - the transitional time before menopause actually begins when symptoms start.
- Menopause – when the menstrual cycle finishes.
- Post-menopausal – the years after the menopause.
Menopause Symptoms
The early signs of perimenopause can start around the age of 40. Oestrogen and progesterone levels being to fall and menstruation becomes irregular.
Symptoms are sleep disturbance, anxious thoughts, mood swings, aches and pains, weight gain and a loss of libido. Women often put these signs down to other factors and it is not until they start to get the more debilitating symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats and palpitations that they may decide to seek more help. In the perimenopause two-thirds of women may also have difficulty concentrating with memory and experience low self-esteem. The perimenopause can last for up to ten years.
Menopause can start between the ages of 40 and 58, with 51 being the average age. Anxiety, depression, low mood and anger are common during menopause.
It can all last for several years, during the three stages, which can feel very overwhelming. However, understanding what is happening and getting some support will empower you to manage your symptoms and to feel more in control. There is help available but it is something women often just put up with and dismiss.
Women are now living much longer with an average life expectancy of 82 years. If we take the average age of 51 as the day the menopause starts (excluding the years of perimenopause), a women will expect to live for 30% of her life without the benefit of oestrogen and progesterone.
Long term issues, which are under-reported can include incontinence, being prone to urinary urgency, UTI’s and pain during sex. Women can also experience musculoskeletal changes, an increase in cardiovascular disease and dementia.
So if you are struggling, the key is to get some help. Talking to a trained GP for support is a good start and I work with menopause specialist, Dr Usha Sharma.
Dr Sharma looks at symptoms holistically to get a better understanding of a patient’s health issues. She undertakes comprehensive health checks as well as looking at lifestyle changes and other factors that may be having a significant impact on general health. She refers patients on to me for support with anxiety, sleep and mental well-being. I work with patients to help them manage their symptoms and improve their long-term general health with hypnotherapy.
For some, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) will balance the body’s hormone levels. Taking regular exercise, eating a healthy anti-inflammatory diet and cutting down on alcohol will also improve symptoms. Talking therapy and hypnotherapy will work alongside whatever approach is right for you.
Hypnosis has been shown to reduce hot flushes and night sweats by 74%, showing it to be as effective as HRT in managing these symptoms.
Psychology Today.
Hypnotherapy and Menopause
Menopause is a natural transition. I encourage the women I see to view it as a time of liberation and a new and exciting chapter in their lives! I help them to feel empowered, to manage symptoms and lose menopausal weight gain by making the right lifestyle changes for them using hypnotherapy.
For many, this time can coincide with other changes in life to do with work, relationships, children leaving home and bereavement. I can help you to adapt to the significant impact these other factors may be causing you.
"I was very open-minded about hypnosis having never tried it before and was keen to see how it might help my menopausal symptoms. I have found it incredibly relaxing, very easy to listen to and really helpful with the cooling imagery. I have found the colours easy to imagine and it immediately gives me a sense of coolness and definitely reduces levels of anxiety due to the deep breathing involved. Whenever I feel heat rising or feel anxious I have definitely been able to use this technique. Thank you Lizzie."
Jane, Windsor.
Hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool to help you feel less anxious and improve your confidence. I use visualisation and a focus on cooling imagery while you are relaxing. This will enable you to reconnect with your body and regain control. Seeing yourself and feeling how you want to be as you make this transition will create a positive shift in your subconscious. It is also extremely relaxing and enjoyable and you will feel the restorative effects immediately.
Get in touch today to find out how I can help your Menopause symptoms with hypnotherapy.
Contact Lizzie
Arrange a call with me and we can discuss further.