How Is Your Relationship With Alcohol?
We have been noticing how many of our regular clients have recently been asking for some help to re-frame their relationship with alcohol. Often, this is because they realise that although they may not drink that much – they do drink too regularly or may binge on occasion. It has become a habit that they want to stop or at least reduce.
Many of these clients, particularly those in their 20s and 30s, report that they don’t seem to have an ‘off’ button when it comes to drinking. They are concerned that binge drinking is having a detrimental effect on their work, their relationships and their ability to stay fit. Weekends are often written off to recover from the night before, along with the good intentions to go to the gym or keep up with their fitness programme.
Our middle-aged and older clients are noticing that it takes them a lot longer to recover from their customary “few drinks” and bemoan the effects of weight gain and other health problems they experience. They want to adopt a more mindful and measured approach.
Whatever age you are, drinking alcohol is simply not good for you. But it is so difficult for people to cut down or stop. Virtually all our clients who wish to have a healthier relationship with alcohol report being genuinely concerned that their friends or partner will react negatively. As the adage goes, alcohol is the only drug that you have to justify not taking! Trying to cut down or stop without support is very hard, which is why we have developed our Mindful Drinking Programme.
Historically, in Britain, we associate alcoholic drinks with having a good time – everything from festivals, sporting events, parties, and celebrations nearly always includes alcohol in some form. Culturally, we have all been conditioned over the years to believe that a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a dram of whisky is something to enjoy and savour. However, the powerful industry behind the manufacture and sale of alcohol does not want us to stop there – in fact, they splurge a dizzying £6 billion a year on advertising to ensure we keep drinking. As a result of all that marketing, we believe alcohol makes us more interesting, enhances our social life, and is relaxing.
Alcohol is a stimulant, and it doesn’t relax you at all, and there are so many benefits to reducing your alcohol intake. Any reduction will be beneficial and significant to your health.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help Your Relationship With Alcohol?
We use hypnosis to access the subconscious part of the mind, which, thankfully, has the ability to be re-programmed with a preferred response. Negative habits and learned behaviours can be replaced with more healthy and beneficial ways of thinking. You will regain control and be able to choose to have a more mindful and measured response to alcohol consumption. Once we make those positive shifts in the subconscious, they stay there. It’s not about denial or using willpower that takes the anxiety away. It’s about being able to choose that makes the difference. You will feel empowered, in control and have more energy too. Hypnosis will help you to understand what the triggers are and understand yourself on a deeper level.
If you are reading this and feel that alcohol is taking over your life and you would like to feel liberated from it, then why not get in touch with us for a free 15-minute chat? If you would like to go ahead, we can get you booked in for our personal Mindful Drinking Programme. All sessions are online.