LSH blog - fear of public speaking


I subscribe to the excellent mindfulness and well-being magazine Breathe and I find that, time after time, the articles seem to reflect what is actually going on in my life. This latest issue is no exception!

One of the things happening for me at the moment is that I have been invited to speak by  Women & Golf magazine at Woburn in August. My audience will be 100 golfers about to take part in a Golf Day. I will be talking to them about how hypnotherapy can help with the mental side of the game. It’s an exciting opportunity to spread the word about how linking the mind and body can provide the important infrastructure to peak performance on the golf course. This all sounds marvellous, apart from the fact that I have a deep-rooted fear of speaking in public!

As I was pondering this, I came across an article in this month’s Breathe with the heading “Discomfort zone”.  The article talks about allowing ourselves to experience “positive” stress. When we challenge ourselves, we are in fact enabling growth and potential. Pushing past what feels comfortable means we become more capable and resilient and feel empowered.

Now, I know this because it’s what I do for a living, helping people to manage fears and phobias, quieten the mind and raise confidence through hypnosis. We tend to look at life through a filter, a belief system, which is reinforced by past negative experiences. I use visualisation techniques to enable clients to see themselves the way they want to be, confirming that they have totally overcome their fears. I talk about channelling anxiety and nervousness into a healthy energy in order to propel themselves forward. We dismiss negative, old learned behaviours that have created the blocks they have been unable to move past.

So, you may ask, why can’t I apply all of this to myself? 

I remember many years ago now, sitting in front of a wonderful therapist and saying I would rather be in your chair! She smiled and encouraged me to explore this, which I did. Most therapists prefer to be the ones listening, helping someone to navigate their own journey. However, needs must and, on this occasion, I have taken some of my own advice and sought some professional help. I have had BWRT® for my fear of public speaking and I have been self-hypnotising myself with a recording. I view my nervousness as a challenge I want to overcome.

I am happy to report that the event has taken place today! There had been a shift in my subconscious which enabled me to feel calm and excited about the presentation. My BWRT® sessions had totally stopped the fear. I did some 3-4-5 breathing with my audience to stimulate a relaxation response for all of us and we had a good time! I have surprised myself and I am feeling empowered and relieved!  So, if any of this resonates with you, and you would like to address your fears or limiting beliefs, do please get in touch for an online appointment.