LSH blog - online hypnotherapy

Moving my hypnotherapy business online a year ago was a step I hadn’t considered pre-Covid. This was despite the fact that from my training, I knew hypnotherapy is just as effective on-line as it is in person. I had just always offered clients face to face sessions. Covid changed all that, so it was time to shift my focus and challenge myself.

At the time I enrolled on a webinar about online hypnotherapy and was immediately inspired by the far reaching effect this could have. Very soon I was seeing clients from all over the UK, Europe and Australia, something I could never have imagined pre-Covid.

Never has mental health been so important and the move by therapists to take their businesses on-line has provided much needed support. All that is needed is a quiet space, a laptop and good internet connection.

Some new clients were a little sceptical however, once they tried it they were quickly converted. The fears tended to be around whether it would work, would they feel relaxed and what if they drifted off to sleep during hypnosis, would I be able to rouse them? I do have a bell but, to be honest, I have never had to ring it, because everyone has just opened their eyes, even if they have drifted off for a bit!

The feedback I have had from my online hypnotherapy sessions has been hugely positive. The therapeutic connection has not been diluted by a screen one bit. In fact one client said to me she felt she projected a more authentic version of herself online and could articulate her emotions better.

Online hypnotherapy at home

Scheduling an online hypnotherapy appointment in the comfort of your own home is sometimes more convenient than having to allow time to get to an appointment in person and it allows for more flexibility. Encouragingly studies have suggested that many clients actually prefer the freedom of privacy that an online session at home gives. There is also time to process the session afterwards with no travelling involved.

In time we may have more choice as to whether we make a journey to see a therapist or just open the laptop. I am certainly very happy to continue seeing clients online from all over the UK and abroad. Whether that safe space is via a screen or in my treatment room, do give hypnotherapy a try if you would like support.

Get in touch today to find out how to book an online hypnotherapy session.