marathon running and hypnotherapy

Are you one of the thousands of people who have signed up for the London Marathon this year?

I was talking to a client today who reminded me that at this time last year, she was about to run in her first-ever London Marathon. She told me how a hypnotherapy session with me had helped her regain her confidence after a nasty fall that had set her back in her training. 

She had felt fear and a real lack of self-belief that she would be able to complete the course, and the negative self-talk was playing havoc with her mindset, with the doubts feeling overwhelming. We developed positive mantras, which she still uses to keep her focused and motivated when running. She visualised herself during hypnosis succeeding and crossing the finish line and she has developed a real love of marathon running since and has just signed up for another marathon challenge.

Whether this is your first time or you are an experienced runner, the pressure of running a marathon can feel daunting. There is often so much riding on completing the challenge. Often, you may be running for a charity or in memory of someone and have received support and sponsorship from friends and family.  All of these can feel like a big responsibility.

Athletes and psychologists all agree that running a marathon is not just about physical training. It’s also about how we mentally prepare for the challenge, and hypnotherapy will train your mind for the big day!  

Hypnotherapy and Marathon Running

Hypnotherapy is incredibly relaxing and restorative. It will help you push through any unease and challenge the negative narrative to stay focused and achieve whatever you wish to the best of your ability. It will help you take back control and feel relaxed, strong, and positive.

In hypnosis, you bypass the conscious thought process and work with the subconscious mind, which is where all your fears and self-limiting perceptions are held. We can help you focus on what is possible, reset, and feel in a good place again so that you can take part in and complete whatever challenge lies ahead.

With any sport, the mind-body connection is key. The mind believes what the body achieves, so if you suddenly feel physically out of sorts and nervous, it will affect how you feel mentally, and the seeds of doubt will be sown. Hypnotherapy can help long-distance and marathon runners perform well and prevent negative thoughts and fears from sabotaging performance. It’s a great way to develop a positive mindset for running.

So, if you are preparing for a running challenge this year, why not take an hour to train your mind with hypnotherapy?  Get in touch today! It’s like a massage for the brain, and having your subconscious onside is the best way to achieve success!

think better, feel better, run better